When you look around,

You’ll realize the dark clouds hover over everyone around you,

And when it rains,you all soak wet,

When the sun shines,you all dry up,

So for this short moment when you are all together,

Savor your togetherness.

Water Your Flowers.

Beautiful flowers sprouted at your sight,

Tulips, roses with all their vibrancy,

You picked some, one, two an assortment,

And with your skill had a perfect mix,

You smiled at what you held,

But never watered them,Not even a little sprinkle,

So they withered and fell off your grip,

No matter how hard you clasped.

Spur On.

When they try to put you down,

Come back stronger,

Not because your response is revenge,

But because the architect of your bounce is the belief of the heights you’ll grace.

A Chain Reaction.

The butterfly effect,

It’s all intertwined,

What was, What is, What will,

We regret ‘What was’,

We master ‘What is’,

We are unsure ‘What will’,

But if they are linked,

Then we master ‘what is’ regardless of regret or if we are unsure,

Master what you do today.

To all those who read and added soul to these words, I appreciate.

Remember, good things are shared.

May you all have a prosperous 2013.