Loud deafening voices

loud deafening voices in my head

loud deafening screams in my head

loud deafening wails in my head.

Watery eyes

red watery eyes

red watery eyes on worn wrinkled faces

red watery eyes strained open.

Young souls

young hopeful souls

young hopeful souls bright and vibrant

young hopeful souls tightly woven by boundless love.

The crickets still sing your praises in this dark night

the cold wind still whistles your name in this quiet night

these fading embers radiate your smile and might

a fading light that once illuminated the dark night.

Your footsteps echo in this hollow hut

that sweet voice that put Binare to sleep

that rose up into the starry night and sparkling moon

comforts me in these lonely nights

assuring me of our walk on the golden pathways.